I am interested in the multiple ways in which migrants as both local and transnational actors participate in and contribute to the (re)production of cosmopolitan cities as part of global restructuring processes. The research project is inspired by an emerging research agenda in migration studies which draws on sociological and anthropological studies of migration and transnationalism as well as discussions of urban transformations and spatialities in human geography and urban studies. With its comparative perspective, the project seeks to contribute to an empirically grounded understanding of the varying and dynamic relationships between international migrants and the cities of their (temporary) sojourn in a multiply connected but unequal world.
During my fieldwork in Seoul (2015/16) I am affiliated with the Institute of Globalization and Multicultural Studies, Hanyang University (ERICA campus, http://multiculture.hanyang.ac.kr).
Selected Recent Publications
Yi, H. and Shin, H. 2014. Conclusion: Border crossers as potentialities in globalising societies [German]. In Chang-Gusko, Y. et al. eds. Unknown diversity – Insights into the history of Korean migration to Germany [German]. Cologne: DoMiD Documentation Centre and Museum of Migration in Germany.
Scheffer, T. and Shin, H. 2010. The case in the case-system. In Scheffer, T. Adversarial Case-Making – An Ethnography of English Crown Court Procedure. Leiden: BRILL Academic Publishers, pp. 219-249.
Scheffer, T. and Shin, H. 2008. Book Review – Fighting for Political Freedom. Law and Politics Book Review 18(10), pp. 871-876.