Start date:
October 2015Research Topic:
The End Of The Campaign: Regional Press And Citizen Action In South Wales 1985-2015Research pathway:
Journalism, Digital Media and DemocracyResearch Supervisor:
Dr Andy WilliamsSupervising school:
School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff UniversityPrimary funding source:
ESRC StudentshipI propose to quantify the extent of the decline of the South Wales local press – identifying trends in circulation and employment as well as comparative trends in consumption of new media forms. I will present this data in comparison with interviews recording the experiences of people involved in local political, economic and cultural campaigns. I will examine how local press functioned in these networks as a public platform that influenced outcomes.
My intent is to show how changes in the way local press is produced, distributed and consumed over that thirty year period have affected local democracy and community engagement.