Start date:
October 2015Research Topic:
Economic Austerity, Civil Society and WellbeingResearch pathway:
EconomicsResearch Supervisor:
Professor Philip Murphy (primary), Professor David Blackaby (secondary)Supervising school:
School of Management, Swansea UniversityPrimary funding source:
ESRC StudentshipAs we gain a better understanding of the determinants of wellbeing, commentators have voiced a need to move away from measuring wellbeing by traditional indicators of economic performance, such as GDP, and moving towards a more comprehensive approach by taking into account factors such as social capital and social cohesion.
The research project will consist of an investigation into the relationship between the determinants of individual subjective wellbeing and wider measures of civil society and social cohesion. By doing so, the project aims to contribute to existing knowledge by providing a deeper understanding of the determinists of measures of subjective wellbeing.