This project focuses on analysing the differences in well-being (and determinants of), depending on sexual orientation. The first chapter analyses the difference in life satisfaction across sexual orientations, utilising two different methods of identifying sexual minorities. Quantile approaches are used to explore where such differences arise from (at the top or bottom of the distribution of wellbeing). Original contribution arises from the discussions facilitated from the different methods used to identify non-heterosexuals, and the use of superior methods. The second chapter focuses on one of the key determinants of well-being: income. There is a general consensus in the literature that non-heterosexual males experience an income disadvantage, and non-heterosexual females enjoy income premiums, when compared to their respective heterosexual counterparts. I extend the literature by using quantile approaches to facilitate new discussions on the way that sexual orientation based income differentials exist, and if these differentials are consistent across the entire distribution of earnings. The final chapter utilises dynamic panel models to understand if belonging to a sexual minority leads to differences in the effect of life events on well-being. The difference in the anticipation, and adaptation effects on wellbeing as a result of marriage, divorce, unemployment, and illness are explored.