My research interests lie primarily in psycholinguistics, specifically the mental and neural processes associated with the perception and recognition of spoken language.
Tasked with processing continuous streams of speech, a listener utilises multiple cues to assist lexical identification. The activation of numerous competing candidates during this process of speech perception is further exaggerated for the bilingual listener by non-selective lexical access, resulting in competition not only from target language candidates but similar items within the inactive lexicon. Using ERP methods, in particular the N400, I intend to explore how certain features of language facilitate or inhibit lexical access in bilingual listeners.
- Sounding foreign: the role of phonology in constraining lexical access within an integrated lexicon.
- Investigating the role of stress in facilitating lexical-access.
- Wrong tune, right words? How prosody might break down the language barrier.
My research intends to build upon current models of bilingual word recognition to develop a greater understanding of the role of both suprasegmental information & phonology.
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