Start date:
October 2015Research Topic:
Youth Justice in Wales: The Role and Influence of Welsh Youth Offending Teams in the Context of Pre-devolution Youth JusticeResearch pathway:
CriminologyResearch Supervisor:
Dr. Anthony Charles and Professor Kevin HainesSupervising school:
Centre for Criminal Justice and Criminology, Swansea UniversityPrimary funding source:
ESRC StudentshipMy PhD will look at – How Welsh YOTs operate in practice? (e.g. the nature of their structures, ethos, culture, processes, programmes, principles, policy mediation, positions and roles in multi-agency partnerships).
What is the extent and nature of statistical evidence of YOT ‘effectiveness’? (e.g. antisocial behaviour, offending, reoffending, sentencing, public opinion data)
How perceptions of YOT practices, structures, processes, roles, positions, partnership working and influence amongst YOT staff and external stakeholders differ?
What are the links between YOT practice and Welsh policy/law, and how, in practice and at a strategic level do these operate and interrelate? (e.g ‘Children and Young People First’)