Human or social values are usually defined as abstract ideals which are guiding principles of our lives. I am interested in all kind of effects to and of values. However, since I have to be more specific in my PhD, I want, among other things, to investigate the relationship between values, moral identity and emotions in different cultures (Brazil, India and UK).
Moreover I am interested in Moralpsychology and daydreaming.
Selected Recent Publications
Hanel, P. H. P. (2011). Anregungen aus empirischen Befunden zur praktischen Umsetzung einiger Gedanken von Benedikt XVI. [Suggestions from empirical findings for the practical implementation of some thoughts of Benedikt XVI.]. In C. Sedmak & S. Horn (Eds.), Die Seele Europas. Papst Benedikt und die europäische Identität [The European soul. Pope Benedict XVI. and the European identity] (S. 315-330). Salzburg: Prustet.
Hanel, P. H. P. (2013). Tagtraum – zur Taxonomie von Typen der Unaufmerksamkeit [Daydreaming: A taxonomic analysis of different types of inattentiveness]. In U. Wolfradt, G. Heim, & P. Fiedler (Eds.), Dissoziation und Kultur. Pierre Janets Beiträge zur modernen Psychiatrie und Psychologie (Band 3) [Dissociation and culture. Contributions of Pierre Janet to modern psychiatry and psychology (Vol. 3)] (p. 102-111). Lengerich: Pabst.
Hanel, P. H. P. (2014). Eckstein, Ludwig. In U. Wolfradt, E. Billmann-Mahecha & A. Stock (Eds.), Deutschsprachige Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1933-1945 [German speaking psychologists 1933-45] (p. ??). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.