Start date:
October 2015Research Topic:
Redefining Professional Boundaries - Relationship Centred Practice in the Care for Older People with DementiaResearch pathway:
Social Work and Social CareResearch Supervisor:
Professor Fiona VeritySupervising school:
College of Human and Health Sciences, Swansea UniversityPrimary funding source:
ESRC StudentshipMy PhD aims to identify the key features of a relationship-based practice for older people with dementia, to examine innovative approaches in social care and to develop policy and practice relevant evidence that supports replicable application of relationship-centred practice. Additionally, the project aims to explore how practitioners balance rights, risks and responsibilities when caring for an older person with dementia that is allied to a person-centred approach, within the context of increasing bureaucratic procedures and processes within social care. The project will be co-produced with people affected by dementia to ensure they are recognised as equal and active stakeholders.