This project is exploring the future of anti-doping, following the changes to the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) in 2021, assessing whether athletes’ rights are protected in this developing anti-doping system.
My research falls into three main categories –
1. Assessing the efficiency and ethics of intelligence-led anti-doping, in light of a growing acknowledgement that such intelligence is essential to address a now sophisticated approach to cheating in sport.
2. Analysing how the 2021 WADC emphasis on health as a rationale for anti-doping might justify a further extension into recreational contexts and the potential effects on the wider population.
3. Reviewing the Russian Doping Scandal, and judgements made in light of the scandal and assess how the issues relating to levels of proof, evidence, and rights of clean athletes, impact on the right of an athlete to a fair hearing.