Start date:
October 2013Research Topic:
Traumatic Memories and Memorialisation of Sexual Violence in the Aftermath Of ConflictResearch pathway:
Politics and International RelationsResearch Supervisor:
Dr. Patrick Finney and Dr. Jenny MathersSupervising school:
Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth UniversityPrimary funding source:
ESRC StudentshipMemorialisation has been conceptualised as a binary of remembering some dead whilst simultaneously forgetting others. My research utilises this conceptualisation, but challenges its limited application in order to theorise sexualised violence through memory. It further interrogates the subjectivities that are produced through this memorialisation. The project focuses on the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina using a range of empirical sources such as oral testimony, films and novels. Further this work responds to call to think beyond ‘security’. It will examine the insecurities of sexualised violence, whilst distancing itself from the language of security.