The diversion based ‘Bureau Model’ has evolved out of a Welsh policy context that has sought to give young people a voice in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1989; whilst also ensuring that young offenders are treated as ‘Children First and Offenders Second’.
My PhD study will seek to analyse and evaluate precisely how the structures, processes and core principles (i.e. diversion, child rights, parental and victim input, promotion of pro-social behaviour etc.) of the Bureau Model have been implemented across various Welsh locales, within Bureau at differing stages of development.
Equally inherent within the study will be the need to determine what statistical outcomes have been evidenced from Bureau regarding reduced First Time Entrants (FTEs) and Reoffending Rates, along with detailed assessment of the nature and level of participation and engagement from key stakeholders in delivering the Bureau service.
Finally, the study will aim to fill in the ‘existing gaps’ in previous ‘Bureau’ analysis by cataloguing the views of not only stakeholders but also the young people themselves, as well as parents or carers.