Addysg lluosieithog: sut y gellir deall, datblygu a chydnabod medr lluosieithog disgyblion uwchradd yng Nghymru?
Pwrpas fy noethuriaeth yw archwilio dealltwriaeth unigolion o fedr lluosieithog, datblygiad addysg lluosieithog a chydnabyddiaeth medr lluosieithog yn y cwricwlwm uwchradd yng Nghymru. Bydd yr ymchwil yn gweithio gyda disgyblion, athrawon a rhanddeiliaid allweddol eraill yn y maes yng Nghymru. Cefnoga’r prosiect hwn waith y Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad: Ieithoedd, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu ar gyfer dysgu Cymraeg, Saesneg ac ieithoedd rhyngwladol yn y Cwricwlwm i Gymru 2022.
Os yw fy mhrosiect o ddiddordeb ichi, cysylltwch gyda mi drwy e-bost neu drwy drydaru.
Plurilingual education: how do we understand, develop and recognise the plurilingual competence of secondary school students in Wales?
The purpose of this research is to explore the understandings of plurilingual competence, the development of plurilingual education and the recognition of plurilingual competence in the secondary school curriculum in Wales. This research will work with students, school practitioners and other (language) education stakeholders in Wales.This research will support the work of the Area of Learning and Experience: Languages, Literacy and Communication for the teaching of Welsh, English and international languages in the new Curriculum for Wales 2022.
If you are interested in my research, please contact me via email or Twitter.