Internships with the Welsh Government

All day, Friday 6 September 2024

WGSSS is pleased to offer 3 internship opportunities with the Welsh Government, working on specific projects covering a wide range of topics as detailed in the below project descriptions.

The internships are open to any ESRC WGSSS funded student (except those within 3 months of the start or end of their studentship). It is anticipated that the internships will be commencing in Summer/Autumn 2024, for a period of 3 months (full-time or the part-time equivalent). Successful applicants will get an extension to their PhD equivalent to the duration of the internship.

These internships will offer opportunities to create impact by contributing to the work of government, the chance to build relationships outside of academia, as well as the ability to develop research skills in a policy environment.

Full project descriptions are available in the below linked documents:

Internship Descriptions

Curriculum for Wales synthesis of evidence to inform policy  
Duration: 6 months
Project: The focus of the project is a synthesis of evidence relating to the curriculum reforms in Wales.
Department: The internship will be based within the Welsh Government’s Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS).
Start date of internship: Autumn 2024, (exact date to be negotiated).

Employer Skills Survey – Welsh Thematic Analysis
Duration: 3 months
Project: The focus of the project is a review of policies and practices around the appraisal of school practitioners (teachers, head teachers and support staff).
Department:  The internship will be based within the Welsh Government’s Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS).
Start date of internship: Summer 2024 (exact date to be negotiated).

Considerations for a Devolved Probation Service in Wales
Duration: 6 months
Project: The successful applicant will conduct an evidence review of devolved or decentralised probation services in the UK, with particular focus on the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, to inform the development of options for the delivery of devolved probation in Wales.
Department:  The internship will be based within the Welsh Government’s Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS).
Start date of internship: August 2024 (exact date to be negotiated).

Please submit your completed application form to by 4pm on the 6th September 2024.